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1. Diploma In Language C, C++


Fundamentals of C: I/O statements, Assignment Statements, Constants, Variables, Operators and Expressions, Standards and Formatted statements, Keywords, Data Types and Identifiers. Control Structures: Introduction, Decision making with if – statement, if-else and Nested if, while and do-while, for loop. Jump statements: break, continue, goto, switch Statement (10)
Structure and Union: Declaration of structure, Accessing structure members, Structure Initialization Overview of OOP: Classes & Functions, Scope Resolution Operator, Private and Public Member Functions, Nesting of Member Functions. Creating Objects, Accessing class data members, Accessing member functions Arrays: Introduction to Arrays, Array Declaration, Single and Multidimensional Array, Memory Representation, Matrices, Strings, String handling functions. (10)
Inheritance - Extending Classes Concept of inheritance, Base class, Derived class, Defining derived classes. Types of Inheritance Polymorphism: Definition, early Binding, Polymorphism with pointers, Virtual Functions, late binding, pure virtual functions. (10)
Pointers: Introduction to Pointers, Address operator and pointers, Declaring and Initializing pointers, Assignment through pointers. File Management in C++: Defining & opening a file, closing a file, I/O operations on file, error handling during I/O operations, Random Access Files.


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